The Freddy x Phoebe puppies (more info on the sire and dam here: litters) are two weeks old today and everyone is doing just great. Eyes were all open by eight days and they are gaining lots of weight every day.
When I change the bedding in the whelping box I put the puppies in this pink tote while I work. I don't think they'll be fitting in there much longer (and yes red collar got a new piece of string - momma Phoebe likes to lick them of course which tends to fray the string collars).
Here is a little head shot of each puppy:
Red - female
Yellow - female
Green - female
No collar - male
Pink - female
Purple - female
No collar - female
Blue - female
And a group shot of everyone in the box under their heat lamp. They don't do much more than sleep and eat at this point, exactly what newborns need to do to grow big and strong.
Have a great weekend!