Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Rush x Phoebe Puppies 6 Weeks

This blog post has been asked for many times, so here it is, updated pictures of the Rush x Phoebe litter. They are growing by leaps and bounds, are brave and outgoing and I love the rainbow of colours.

Ella and her "Prince", she loves this fawn boy so much.

There is a black male available to a loving and responsible pet home. For more information please email:

Monday, July 20, 2015

A Whirlwind Trip To The GSPCC Regional Specialty

I made a quick overnight trip to the Mainland this past weekend to attend the German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Canada Regional Specialty. There hasn't been a GSP Specialty in BC in many many years and I had done my part to make this one happen and was excited to attend. I bathed and groomed Vinnie, Libby and Hardy for the trip, packed them up into the van along with myself and the kiddies and it was road trip time.

We got in line for the 3pm ferry on Saturday and look what we found at the donuts! Any trip that starts with mini donuts is a good one. Look at Ella's face...this picture was for her Dad who she knew was going to be jealous of this find.

The day was beautiful and warm and we spent lots of time on the deck enjoying it.

We arrived at my mother in law's house in White Rock and had a lovely ham dinner while the pups played outside. Hardy loved the doggy toy box and they all had a good play with Dora the Labrador who's house they were invading. There were lots of tug of war games going on as you can see by Hardy and Libby in the bottom right hand corner of this picture set.

Ella and I woke up at 5:30am the next morning to get dogs exercised and get ourselves ready for the Specialty while Marshall slept in and spent the morning with his Granny.

While I don't have any ring candids (that's Chris's department) the Specialty was fun and Libby and I walked away with Best of Breed so she is now a Best in Specialty show winner! 

I don't have the high resolution email file yet so this is just a picture of a picture but Libby has matured out beautifully, hard to believe she will be three next month. Apparently I'm incognito for this show photo as my hair is completely covering my face!

Vinnie (who was also Best of Opposite Sex in Specialty) was Ella's juniors dog and he is perfect in that role. He is older now (he turned eight in June) and easy going enough for eight year old Ella to handle while still making her work a bit, the perfect dog for a junior to show.

Once the show was over we headed back to pick up Marshall and visit a GSP friend and cuddle puppies (the best) and then off to Burnaby to attend the BC All Terrier Club annual BBQ and Awards Dinner. It was pot luck style and there were so many delicious dishes. This was my first chance to attend anything with the club and it was great to put names to faces and catch up with those I knew already. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming and I'm really glad I was able to attend. When dinner/awards were over it was a race to the ferry which we just managed to get on and myself and two hot and tired kids and three hot and tired dogs were happily on our way home.

All in all a very successful trip and we got a lot done in a short amount of time. Hardy would like you to know that she was Best Baby Puppy in Specialty which is what that lovely big orange ribbon is. She was the only one but don't tell her that as she thinks she's pretty awesome. ;)

Today it's back to routine. I will admit to putting dogs out for a quick potty this morning and then climbing back into bed for another hour of was delightful. 

Friday, July 10, 2015

The 2015 Prospects (so far)

I thought I'd share some updated pictures of the puppies I am running on from our 2015 litters so far this year. They are coming along very well and although they are at gangly ages you can definitely see the potential there....exciting. :)

This is Braebrook's Verakai "Dusty" at 4 months. She is from our Harrison x Pelly litter.

This is Braebrook's Fashionably Late "Bijoux" at 3.5 months. She is from our Harrison x Enya litter.

This is Braebrook's On The Road Again "Traveler" at 3.5 months. He is a littermate to Bijoux above.

This is Braebrook's Hard Luck "Hardy" at 4.5 months. She is from our Vinnie x Libby litter.

I'm going to be very busy(ier??) when these guys start hitting the show ring so may consider co owned show homes to the right local home. We also have some exciting younger puppies coming up from our Rush x Phoebe litter and invite inquiries.