Sunday, September 25, 2011

Rain rain go away.....

It's absolutely pouring rain outside today. The morning started out looking like it could go either way, but the dark clouds won out and the skies have just opened up. The puppies of course are very unhappy about this and loudly voicing their protest. They want to be outside and playing! When the yipping got to be a bit too much to handle I decided to grab my umbrella and take them outside anyway. They ran around and played, took care of some business and pretty soon decided that actually they might want to be back inside. They are now happily back in their ex pens munching on great big dog cookies and warming back up. All is right at Braebrook again. ;)
The puppies were cropped a few days ago and came through this minor surgery with flying colours, and in fact their ears are healing faster than any other litter I have had. Their ears are kept upright by being taped to a cup on their heads, and to protect the ears from over zealous playmates they wear little sock hats overtop of the cups. They look unbelievably cute like this and it's really quite amazing how they run around completely forgetting about the cups.
The puppies are looking better and better everyday, and there is no doubt in my mind that every puppy could finish their championships with ease. I work very hard planning each litter and to see them come to such successful fruition makes me very proud indeed. My hard work is paying off! :)
Dog improvements to the new house continue and make the daily chores smoother with every change. There are now two wire fenced dog yards, with a third huge wood fenced yard close to being finished. A new door directly into the first wire yard makes it much easier to put dogs out for their morning constitutional, and lighting directly into the yards makes the last visit of the night much easier than trying to wrestle with a flashlight. I couldn't be more happy with our move to this new property and look forward to many more generations of Braebrook dogs being born here.
I do believe the rain might be letting up just a little. I wonder if I can get some new stacked photos of the puppies before it starts again.......

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Home sweet home

We finally did it! We are all moved and settled into our new digs and enjoying it SO much. The new house is exactly what we had been hoping to find with 2+ acres for the kids and dogs to enjoy and a great big house that is well set up for entertaining. We are thrilled!
I did a little bit of updating to the website tonight after setting up my old dinosaur of a computer. I use my iMac for everything but had originally done my website on the old PC and have just never learned how on the iMac. I guess since we have had it for over a year now it is probably time I learned. My old PC is so slow that I just get frustrated and never do all the updating that I want to do. I did manage to upload six week stacked photos of the Rogan x Safi puppies. Pictures of the Mick x Coco kids to come!
Lots planned here as usual. Now that we are moved and no longer living in limbo(I just hated glad to be done) I can start to make some more concrete plans. The local dog club meetings start up again tomorrow night after taking time off for the summer and I have been starting to look at what shows I would like to attend this fall. The puppies are growing like crazy and will be off to their new homes in less than a month already, I can hardly believe it. Speaking of puppies I have some exciting news, Bravo has been bred to Am/Can Ch Holmrun's Bo Coup CD ROM "Boca". This is Bravo's first litter and puppies are due at the end of October. Inquiries for this very exciting litter can be directed to Cherie Holmes:
There will be no more Braebrook litters until next year. I had planned on possibly one more as I only have the six puppies between the two litters, but things didn't come to fruition. The next Braebrook litter will be out of Phoebe( Ch Modadobe Sunset Dreaming), with breeding likely taking place in February.