Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Gearing up for a new show season

I have put my entries in for the first dog show of the year here in BC, which is the Ladies Kennel Club of BC. The schedule is now up and there are seven class bitches so Safi and I will definitely have some competition. I am really looking forward to it, as it feels like it has been forever since I have been to a show.
I have started my current show dogs on a regular training schedule to get them ready for their time in the ring. Safi will be going to the shows until she completes her championship, and then will be taking time off to have a litter this summer. I should be able to get her to a CGN(Canine Good Neighbor) test this spring as well. This is a title that I like to have on all my dogs. It is open to all breeds(and cross breeds) and shows that your dog is well behaved and can be a good member of society. If you are interested in learning more about the test, a run down of each exercise can be found here: http://www.dogtraining.ca/canineGoodNeighbour.php
Bravo is my up and coming puppy. He is a lovely boy, but puppies go through all kinds of growth stages when they can look gangly or awkward, so I will see how he is looking as he continues to mature. He will be old enough to show next month already. Time sure does fly. :)
Phoebe is also back in training and conditioning to return to the ring selectively as a special(a special is a dog who has already completed it's championship, but continues to be shown). She is an exceptional bitch, but having come from Australia where they don't crop will hold her back with some judges. She will be shown to judges who know a good dog when they see one, and are willing to look past the drop ears.
I hope that those of you who read this blog and are located on the Lower Mainland will take the time to come out to the Ladies KC show. Please come by and say hello once I have finished showing(I tend to be quite focused before going in the ring. ;) ). The show will be at the Cloverdale Exhibition grounds in Cloverdale BC from Jan 28th to the 30th. I will be there on the Sat and Sun as I just wasn't able to get away on the Friday. For those of you with Braebrook puppies who you would like to bring by for me to see(I love it when you do! :) ) be sure to send me an e-mail and I will e-mail you my cell phone number so we can be sure to get together.
Here is a link to the show schedule:
I hope those of you with dogs are enjoying them. Remember there is a fun sport out there for everyone, and it is a great way to bond with your dog. If you need suggestions, or already know what you would like to do but are having trouble getting started be sure to drop me a line as I would be happy to help you out.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!!

I know I am actually writing this blog entry on January third, but because New Years Day fell on a Saturday this year it didn't really feel like the New Year started until today.
I feel like 2011 is going to be a good year. There are lots of good things planned for the dogs and Braebrook, the biggest one being an impending move. Now if only the house would sell and we could get that plan in motion...... It will happen, I just have to be patient. Living in limbo can be difficult. You don't really want to do anything permanent as you could be moving at any time, so you just live each day as tidy as you can, ready to pack up kids and dogs at a moments notice for a house showing. I will be glad when it's done!
I have my first dog show of the year coming up at the end of this month. I am looking forward to getting back in the ring. I haven't shown a dog since June when I finished Phoebe's championship at the Nanaimo Kennel Club dog show. That is a long time for me, but with the things that are planned for this year I think it will be a good thing that I rested up. ;)
There are two exciting breedings planned for Braebrook this year. I am still sorting out stud dogs etc, but will post the information to the website once I have made my final decision. I have several people on a wait list already so if you might be interested in a puppy please send me an e-mail or give me a call so we can get the ball rolling.
Must run and feed the hounds. I was up at 6am this morning as part of my New Years resolution of "early to bed, early to rise and get more outdoor exercise". Yes, I know it rhymes, but it makes it easier to repeat to myself. ;) I'm watching the sun rise as I type this so I am on the right track.
Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas holiday and has lots of great things planned for 2011.
I leave you with this quote from Walt Disney: "If you can dream it, you can do it".
Not a bad quote to start the New Year with.